
Follow Detective Charlie Kerrian's Blog

KN, p. 205 “Thanksgiving Is the BEST Holiday!”

  What could be better than family and friends gathering together around a table heaped high with scrumptious, mouth-watering food? I can’t think of much. We’ve been more than fortunate over the years. We’ve been blessed. We’ve got a roof over our heads, heat in the house, and always great chow, but we are well aware that not everyone is as fortunate. We came up with a list of what to do to make this Thanksgiving more comfortable for those living in challenging situations in our town.
  • Spend some time helping in the community during the Thanksgiving weekend.
  • Help at a soup kitchen this weekend or next.
  • Ask if the soup kitchen personnel would be willing to hand out a book along with the food (we provide the books).
  • Donate clean, warm jackets to a local shelter.
  • Visit an older friend or relative living in a Senior Center. Write a letter for them and/or read to them.
  • Arrange to have the church choir (or talented friends) sing to the residents at the local nursing home.
  • Donate books to a shelter.
  • Run an errand (or two) for a neighborhood shut-in.
  • Plan a visit to the hospital to see a sick friend, drop off a greeting card, call them.
  • Call a friend that lives alone and is unable to travel to see their family. 5 minutes of our time is all it takes to make someone smile.
  Hug the family, be thankful for the blessings you enjoy, and have a great Thanksgiving!    
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