Last year, Sheila challenged me to come up with a can-do list of New Year’s resolutions. I told her that no list was ever gonna fly, but she guilted me into going public with goals that would be good for me. Apparently, she thinks I need to set a good example for my pals since I write this blog. I always said that Sheila has a sense of humor.
Here’s a look at last year’s list and how I did:
1 – Play more golf.
HA! It rained all the time, so I played less golf than 2012.
2 – Watch more football.
My team didn’t make it to the playoffs, not even close. I’m really bummed about this one. Sheila just keeps laughing, but wait for next season!
3 – Try fishing.
Did that. Didn’t like it. Fell into the lake.
4 – Go to a scotch tasting.
No local brewery, so my pals and I each bought a different brand and we all tried each other’s. The guys liked my list. 😉
5 – Find a place to bury the fruitcake we got.
After this post last year, we received twenty fruitcakes in the mail from anonymous donors. The birds and the squirrels were happy for two months, but after four months, they still wouldn’t touch the fruitcake with the kumquats in it. That one got a decent burial next to the snake hole by the fence.
6 – Buy a new putter.
Got one…a new belly putter…jury is still out on whether it helps my game. If it would stop raining, I might get a chance to see.
7 – Take a test drive in a Lamborghini.
Yup. I had to go to NYC to find one, but I got it done. Amazing ride.
8 – Have a pint at the new Irish pub.
9 – Check out
Pretty cool site for book recommendations!
10 – Eat more pie.
The scale told me I ate too many pieces, so I had to stop before I reached my goal of a new pie every week.
There you go, folks. More good results than bad, so I’m going to try again.
Here’s the 2014 list:
1. Play more golf.
2. Watch more football.
3. Tell the Post Office not to deliver any fruitcake packages.
4. Take a test drive in a Ferrari 458 Italia.
5. Keep visiting the new Irish pub.
6. Work with Habitat for Humanity on the houses lost during Sandy.
7. Clean out the attic. Maybe. I may need nudging for this one.
8. Break 90 on the golf course.
9. Clean out the attic. Sheila made me write it twice.
10. Get a book recommendation at
Happy New Year from the Kerrians!!!
*Photo by Patti Phillips