It’s been raining a lot, and it’s cold outside now, so golf has been taken off the schedule until the spring. What do wanna-be golfers do when the weather sidelines them?
We watch movies of golfers making a hole-in-one and winning a million dollars, we watch the Golf Channel for instruction, we dream of sunny states and countries where a guy/gal could golf year round, we watch funny videos of golf flubs, and trade whopper stories with our golfing buddies.
And then there are the golf tournaments televised on sports channels. If ya can’t be there, ya might as well watch. And drool because of the perfect putts and perfect swings and the top notch equipment. And laugh out loud at some of the odd critters that crawl onto the golf course while thousands of people are standing within just a few feet.
Among other LOL moments that stop a golfer from taking a putt, you might see:
- A red-tailed hawk pecking at a ground mike
- Alligators strolling on the fairways and/or being chased by caddies
- Turtles doing back flips into a pond in front of the green
- A bird flying away with a golf ball in its beak
- An iguana pushing a golf ball around on the green
- Yellow jackets making grown men drop flat on the ground
- A turtle in the way of the shot, then when picked up, goes to the bathroom
Click on the link below to watch this PGA Tour video of the Top 10 Animal Encounters recorded on the tours through the years. No blood, no bodies, just great fun.
My encounter with the snake in the grass seems tame by comparison. 😉
May your fairways be clear and your greens critter free!
*Snake photo taken by Patti Phillips, while standing safely inside the golf cart. Lolol