Sheila and I share Christmas duties. She bakes while I set up the tree and get the lights ready. I had to replace a few strands on the tree after Hammett accidentally knocked it over and got tangled in it, so Sheila is baking even more cookies than ever. That’s okay, because there is no such thing as too many cookies in the Kerrian house. (My diet is suspended during the holidays…isn’t yours?)
The vet said that Hammett is fine, but kept him overnight. I think that Sheila slipped the Doc a $20. just to make sure he would.
The tree looks a little worse for wear, though.
The cards are done and mailed. This time I made a separate trip to the Post Office so that they would not get lost in the car like last year.
“Handel’s Messiah” is playing in the background and “The Nutcracker” is up next. We love the big sounds of Christmas.
We started a snowman collection to add to the Angels and Santas, so things are looking pretty festive in most of the house.
No snow to shovel this year, but I almost wish there was. We really enjoyed the white Christmas last year and took lots of pictures to share with the Texas branch of the family. If someone else did the shoveling, I wouldn’t mind if it snowed from Thanksgiving right through New Year’s.
No homicide cases to investigate, and that’s a great thing for once.
Merry Christmas to everyone, and have a peaceful New Year!
Same to you!
Sorry, I didn’t send cards this year! Busy packing for my move to FL some time in Jan.
Best of luck with the move, Ginnie! Are you going to the same one as Joe, like so many others?