What could be better than family and friends gathering together around a table heaped high with scrumptious, mouth-watering food? I can’t think of much. We’ve been more than fortunate over the years. We’ve been blessed.
We’ve got a roof over our heads, heat in the house, and always great chow, but we are well aware that not everyone is as fortunate. We came up with a list of what to do to make this Thanksgiving more comfortable for those living in challenging situations in our town.
- Spend some time helping in the community during the Thanksgiving weekend.
- Help at a soup kitchen this weekend or next.
- Ask if the soup kitchen personnel would be willing to hand out a book along with the food (we provide the books).
- Donate clean, warm jackets to a local shelter.
- Visit an older friend or relative living in a Senior Center. Write a letter for them and/or read to them.
- Arrange to have the church choir (or talented friends) sing to the residents at the local nursing home.
- Donate books to a shelter.
- Run an errand (or two) for a neighborhood shut-in.
- Plan a visit to the hospital to see a sick friend, drop off a greeting card, call them.
- Call a friend that lives alone and is unable to travel to see their family. 5 minutes of our time is all it takes to make someone smile.
Hug the family, be thankful for the blessings you enjoy, and have a great Thanksgiving!
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My brother and his partner used to give up their Christmases to drive homeless and poor families to and from shelter and food banks and kitchens. They made Xmas puddings (not an American dish) to sell throughout the year to their friends and customers and the money went towards feeding the homeless throughout the year. All year round these people need help and especially at Xmas when they feel the loss of family and home the most. Great article. Thanks.
What a wonderful thing to do, Jane. 🙂 Many thanks for sharing.
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!!
May you and your family be truly blessed, Sue, on this Thanksgiving and always. 🙂