If there are no paragraph separations in the article, please double-click on the title to create a more readable version.Are you spooked by cemeteries? Or, do you walk through them to check out your own ancestral history?Cemetery excursions often evoke fond memories of a favorite friend or relative. Some cemeteries are destination outings for those who wish to visit famous people buried within the hallowed grounds.But sometimes, the visits are not about honoring the departed. Most European cathedrals have graveyards outside, but also house the remains of royalty beneath the slate and tile in the sanctuaries. Walking across the stones in certain corners of Canterbury Cathedral can stir a feeling of the presence of evil. The crowds that have worn away the stones over the centuries have not removed the sense of death and sorrow that seems to linger in the darkened alcoves.We read about souls lost in between this earth and another dimension. We tell tales of being scared beyond rational thinking when stuck in a graveyard at night. Reports abound of an unnerving feeling, as if life-forces come out after dark to dance or moan soulfully of their own unfortunate, untimely demise. What if the dead haven’t yet crossed over to another plane and need to reach someone in this world in order to be able to rest in peace? It’s the stuff of novels and movies galore.We have ghost hunters searching for restless spirits, cemetery researchers looking for the ancestors of a client, and the curious wondering what all the fuss is about. Whatever your belief system, it is possible to take cemetery walks all over the world, some for free, others at stiff prices for the privilege of being frightened in the name of fun.New Orleans, Louisiana is the place to go for a variety of spooky tours – vampires and voodoo included. Check out the site for Phantom Tours, where you will find French Quarter tours as well.In the Fort Worth, Texas area?Fort Worth Ghost Tours takes small groups of ghost/spirit hunters through the area, stopping at famously haunted areas. Tourists/believers can see ghostly lights and (maybe) ghosts everywhere. Let us know what you see if you go. Pictures welcome. Indeed.Cary, North Carolina is the site of historical Hillcrest Cemetery, one of Cary’s most haunted cemeteries. Click on the name to find details about this fascinating place.Also in North Carolina, Charlotte (the Queen city), offers a chilling ‘haunted walking tour,‘ guaranteed to show off ‘restless spirits.’ It promises to be family-friendly.Remember Ichabod Crane and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”? Sleepy Hollow, New York is the home of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery , the definition of spooky. There are tours scheduled for day as well as night and must be booked ahead. A Lantern tour at night promises to deliver on the scare factor as stories are shared about some of the inhabitants.Salem, Massachusetts is well known for the Salem witch trials. One of the most famous judges from the trials is interred at The Burying Point cemetery. Spellbound Tours, delivers what they call Salem’s “original and best haunted tour,” and includes the cemetery on the agenda for the evening.Fascinated by caves? Combine that interest with a lantern carrying Spooky Cave Tours at The Grundy Caverns in Pelham, Tennessee.Check your town’s website to see what events will be held locally. If illness has caused cancellations in your area, set the DVR for Halloween movies and wear your costumes anyway. Whatever you decide for your Halloween observance, stay safe and have fun.Kelley reads to the neighbors