
KN, p. 249 “Happy Thanksgiving to All!”







We love to celebrate Thanksgiving in North America. We travel for hours by train, bus, car, and plane to spend the day with relatives and old friends. We jam the phone lines and cell towers with calls and texts to people we won’t get to see face-to-face that day.


For some, Thanksgiving is a time to eat out and avoid the challenge of roasting the bird. For others, it’s the highlight of cooking for the year – who can forget Uncle Ernie’s smoked meats (plus a turkey) feast for twenty-six relatives and twelve of the vets from the VFW? It was an honor to chat with the retired men and women that gave so much to keep us free, but were far away from family that day. That was an event to keep in the memory book forever.


This year, Sheila busted her knee while working in the garden, and she’s not ready to stand long enough to get the cooking done for a big meal like this. Could I help? Sure, and I always do the prep work and some of the side dishes. BUT, she’s feeling housebound and we’re going to a friend’s house for the day.  We’ll take some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, along with sweet potato pie as our contribution. Good food, great friendships that go way back…what more could we ask?


Despite some difficulties with getting the (hurricane related) roof replaced and painting done earlier this year, plus Sheila’s tough injury, we still have lots to say thanks for:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Enough food to eat
  • Enough money to pay the bills
  • A NEW, sound roof over our heads
  • Heat
  • Potable water
  • The freedoms we enjoy
  • The fabulous Kerrian’s Notebook community that now stretches to four continents and keeps growing. We are so grateful to have been able to share the stories with you during the past eight years and hope to share more in the future.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!


*Photos and recipes by Patti Phillips


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KNR, p. 239 “Cucumber Slushies”


Our delightful neighbors had a bumper crop of cucumbers and gave us a dozen of the seedless kind. We had to come up with a way to use them quickly, because as far as we knew, cucumbers don’t freeze well. We had cucumber salads, cucumber slices on our sandwiches, and then we made cucumber slushies. The slushies are super easy to make and are a healthy, refreshing summer beverage. We added watermelon for one version. Sooo good. Here’s what we came up with for the recipes. We’ve had a week of slushies and nobody has keeled over yet.


But then, nobody has ever died in the Kerrian Kitchen. Honest.  😉


Cucumber Slushie

Ingredients (Serves 1)

2 seedless cucumbers, washed, peeled, and sliced into 1/4 inch slices (about two cups)

1/8 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 cup water

Mint leaves for garnish



Place water into 16 oz blender (or bigger)

Add sea salt and cucumber pieces and pulse until pureed, about 20 seconds.

Pour into glass and garnish with mint leaves.




Cucumber Watermelon Slushie


Ingredients (Serves 1)

1 seedless cucumber, washed, peeled, and sliced into 1/4 inch slices (about one cup)

1 cup seedless, cubed watermelon

1/8 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 cup water

1 slice cucumber for garnish



Place water into 16 oz. blender (or bigger)

Add watermelon, cucumber, and sea salt and pulse until pureed, about 20 seconds.

Pour into glass and garnish with a cucumber slice.





Click here for Blueberry Smoothie recipes, more great hot weather beverages.



KNR, p. 239 “Cucumber Slushies” Read More »

KN, p. 230 “Top Eleven for 2018”


Questions I get asked all the time:


1) What floats to the top of the favorite article pile for the year? (see below for the 2018 fave list)


2) Do writers gather material for their contest submissions at Kerrian’s Notebook? (yes)


3) Are the crime fans looking for information that explains a particular book they are reading or a movie they have watched? (yes to both)


Here are the top eleven most popular new posts for 2018. Why eleven? 10 & 11 were too close to leave one off the list.  🙂  Click on the links to read the posts for the first time or to enjoy them again.


11)  “Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies”


10)  “Is That Poison in Your Tea?”


9)  “Sheila Sees a Body in the Brush Pile”


8)  “What Does the FBI Do?”


7)  “Death by Freezing”


6)  “Parmesan Basil Veggies”


5)  “Crime Scene at the Beach”


4)  “Stokes Basket Method”


3)  “The Road to Quantico”


2)  “Underwater Evidence & Body Recovery”


and the most read new post for 2018 was:


1) “FBI Training at Quantico”


Happy Sleuthing, everyone!


KN, p. 230 “Top Eleven for 2018” Read More »

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